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Materiale inteligente dezvoltate prin inginerie macromoleculară cu răspuns cromic variat la stimuli externi



  1.   I. Sava

Photochromic properties of azobenzene-containing polyimides

Seminarium at Centre of Polymers and Carbon Materials, Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze – Polonia, 18 Oct. 2017

  2.   M. D. Damaceanu, I. Sava, C. P. Constantin

Smart hybrid polyimide materials with chromic response

Seminarium at Centre of Polymers and Carbon Materials, Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze – Polonia, 18 Oct. 2017

  3.   C. P. Constantin, M. D. Damaceanu

Modulation of the chromic response of some phenoxazine-based polymers by processing

Seminarium at Centre of Polymers and Carbon Materials, Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze – Polonia, 18 Oct. 2017



  4.   I. ButnaruM. Bruma

Thin polyimide films: a compative study

The International Conference of Materials and Energy (ICOME), San Sebastian-Spain, 30 April - 4 May 2018, Program p.32, CO302.

  5.   C. P. Constantin, A. E. Stroia (Bejan), M. D. Damaceanu

Novel triphenylamine-based polyimides for electrochromic applications

7th International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers (IC-MAST 2018), Bratislava, Slovacia, September 24-27, 2018, Program ID - Oral session C: Bio-Applications and Electrochromics, No. 2 (lecture)


  6.   A. P. Chiriac, C. P. Constantin, M. D. Damaceanu

Crown-ether containing polyimides for alkaline ion metals sensing

7th International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers (IC-MAST 2018), Bratislava, Slovacia, September 24-27, 2018, Program ID - Oral session B: Bio-Applications, No. 1 (lecture)

  7.   M. D. Damaceanu, I. Sava

Triphenylmethane-based polyimides with chromic response

7th International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers (IC-MAST 2018), Bratislava, Slovacia, September 24-27, 2018, Program ID - Oral session C: Bio-Applications and Electrochromics, No. 3 (lecture)


  8.   I. Sava, I. Stoica, I. Mihaila, I. Topala, G. Stoian

Analysis of surface relief gratings on azo-copolyimide films by atomic force microscopy and high-resolution scanning electron microscopy

7th International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers (IC-MAST 2018), Bratislava, Slovacia, September 24-27, 2018, Program ID - Oral session E: Industrial Applications, No. 3 (lecture)

  9.   M. Asandulesa, M. D. Damaceanu, I. Sava

Dielectric spectroscopy investigation of new polyimides and copolyimides based on triphenylmethane diamines

12th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM 12), Heraklion, Greece, September 22-28, 2018, Program ID (lecture): T1-O1, Book of abstract p. 71



  10.  M. Asandulesa, I. Sava, M. D. Damaceanu

Polyimides containing triphenylmethane units

3rd Autumn School on Physics of Advanced Materials (PAMS-3), Heraklyon, Greece, September 22-28, 2018, Program ID (poster):  PAMS-P18


  11.  I. Sava, M. D. Damaceanu

Surface relief gratings of azobenzene-containing polyimides

A XXXV-a CONFERINŢĂ NAŢIONALĂ DE CHIMIE, Călimăneşti– Căciulata, Vȃlcea, October 2-5, 2018, Program ID (conferință):

C.S.III. - 2


  12.  A. E. Bejan, C. P. Constantin, M. D. Dămăceanu

Poliimide heterociclice cu unități de trifenilamină

A XXXV-a CONFERINŢĂ NAŢIONALĂ DE CHIMIE, Călimăneşti– Căciulata, Vȃlcea, October 2-5, 2018, Program ID (comunicare): C.S.III. - 5


  13.  A. P. Chiriac, C. P. Constantin, M. D. Dămăceanu

Poliimide funcționalizate pentru aplicații ionocrome

A XXXV-a CONFERINŢĂ NAŢIONALĂ DE CHIMIE, Călimăneşti– Căciulata, Vȃlcea, October 2-5, 2018, Program ID (comunicare): C.S.III. - 6


  14.  M. D. Dămăceanu

Poliimide cu răspuns cromic la acţiunea unor stimuli externi

A XXXV-a CONFERINŢĂ NAŢIONALĂ DE CHIMIE, Călimăneşti– Căciulata, Vȃlcea, October 2-5, 2018, Program ID (conferință):

C.S.IV. - 12


  15. C. P. Constantin, A. E. Bejan, M. D. Dămăceanu

Noi poliimide pe bază de trifenilamină pentru aplicații electrocrome

A XXXV-a CONFERINŢĂ NAŢIONALĂ DE CHIMIE, Călimăneşti– Căciulata, Vȃlcea, October 2-5, 2018, Program ID (comunicare):

C.S. V - 5


  16. I. Butnaru, A. P. Chiriac , I. Sava, M. D. Damaceanu

Ionochromic polyimides: synthesis and characterization

The 11th Conference on Polyimides & High Performance Polymers (STEPI11), Montpellier-France, June 2-5, 2019, Abstract Book p.33.

  17. M. D. Damaceanu

The evidence of chromic phenomena in some polyimides

The 11th Conference on Polyimides & High Performance Polymers (STEPI11), Montpellier-France, June 2-5, 2019, Abstract Book p.86.

  18M. D. Damaceanu, A. P. Chiriac

Heterocyclic polymers modified with crown ether for alkaline metal ions detection

The 13th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC 2019), June, 30- July, 5, Prague - Czech Republic, OC23B, Book of Abstract p.117.

  19A. P. Chiriac, I. Butnaru, I. Sava, M. D. Damaceanu

Poliimide ionocrome cu grupări hidroxil: sinteză și caracterizare

PROGRESE ÎN ȘTIINȚA COMPUȘILOR ORGANICI ȘI MACROMOLECULARI, a 27-a Sesiune de Comunicări Ştiinţifice, Iași, Romania, 2-4 octombrie 2019, program p.14, Co29.

  20A. E. Bejan, M. D. Damaceanu

Derivați azometinici heterociclici cu unități de trifenilamină sensibili la dopare cu acizi și iod

PROGRESE ÎN ȘTIINȚA COMPUȘILOR ORGANICI ȘI MACROMOLECULARI, a 27-a Sesiune de Comunicări Ştiinţifice, Iași, Romania, 2-4 octombrie 2019, program p.14, Co30.

  21. I. Butnaru, M. D. Damaceanu

Heterocyclic imines with ionochromic behaviour

International Conference ACHIEVEMENTS AND PERSPECTIVES OF MODERN CHEMESTRY, october 9-11, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, program p.11, O29.

  22. M. D. Damaceanu

New aproaches to polyimides with chromic response to external stimuli

International Conference ACHIEVEMENTS AND PERSPECTIVES OF MODERN CHEMESTRY, october 9-11, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, program p.11, O30.

  23. I. Sava, C. P. Constantin

Synthesis and characterization of new derivatives containing azo group

International Conference ACHIEVEMENTS AND PERSPECTIVES OF MODERN CHEMESTRY, october 9-11, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, program p.11, O32.

  24. C. P. Constantin, M. D. Damaceanu, I. Sava

Highly responsive new azo-based diamines towards trans-cis photoisomerization

International Conference ACHIEVEMENTS AND PERSPECTIVES OF MODERN CHEMESTRY, october 9-11, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, program p.12, O39.

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